Wellbeing Hub
Resources and Information
If you require urgent safety advice, please contact your GP, go to A & E or call 111 / 999.
East Kent Mind Contact Details
Phone: 01843 319193 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Email: info@eastkentmind.org.uk
HOPELINEUK -Suicide Helpline
Open: 9am – midnight every day of the year,
Phone: 0800 068 4141,
Text: 07860039967
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org
The Samaritans 24/7 helpline
Phone: 116 123
Mental Health Matters Helpline 24/7 helpline
Phone: 0800 107 0160
A mental health charity for children, young people and their parents.
YoungMind’s Textline – Text: YM to 85258.
Information and advice for young people on topics like bullying, your body and relationships. Also provides:
- A phone helpline
- 1-2-1 online chats with counsellors
- Online message boards
- Welsh-speaking and BSL interpreter counsellors
Phone: 0800 1111
Free support and access to online counsellors, 365 days a year.
Support about sexuality, gender and identity.
Release the pressure
Free, confidential, 24/7 text message support for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Text: ‘KENT’ to 85258,
We Are With You
Support service for young people who are self-harming, or struggling with their mental wellbeing.
The Mix
Support and advice for people under 25, which offers a helpline, crisis messenger text line, discussion board and short-term counselling.
Kent and Medway Mental Wellbeing Information Hub
Website which highlights all support services in the area, as well as, information around mental health.
Chat Health
Young people can access text-based support at ChatHealth for support around mental and physical health:
Phone: 07520618850
BEAT offers support for people affected an eating disorder. They offer one-to-one web chat and local support to your area.
Phone: 08088010677
Canterbury Safe Haven
- Location: Age UK, The Centre, Castle Row, Canterbury, CT1 2QY
- Open: 6pm – 11pm every day
- Phone: 07876 476 703 or 07483 163 953
- Email: canterbury.mhm@nhs.net
Thanet Safe Haven
- Location: Holy Trinity Church, St Mary’s Avenue, Dane Valley, Margate, CT9 3TN
- Open: 6pm – 11pm every day
- Call: 07850 655 877
- Email: thanet.mhm@nhs.net
Live Well Kent & Medway
- Phone: 0800 567 7699
- Website: www.livewellkent.org.uk
NHS support
For residents of Kent and Medway who are not currently a patient with Kent and Medway secondary care mental health services:
- 24-hour helpline: 0800 783 9111
- Or, call your GP or 111 out of hours
National Mind Info Line
- Available: 9am – 6pm (Monday-Friday)
- Phone: 0300 123 3393
Turning Point (Substance Misuse Service)
- Phone: 0300 123 1560
Emerge Advocacy
Advocacy support for young people who present at A&E with self-harm
- Website: www.emergeadvocacy.com
- Email: info@emergeadvocacy.com
- Phone: 07885 955 847
Stay Alive App
Free phone app which provides support to individuals who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings.
- Available on the App Store, or the Google Play Store.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
- Available: From 5pm to midnight every day,
- Phone: 0800 58 58 58
- Website: www.thecalmzone.net/help/webchat/
- Available: 10am-10pm (Monday to Friday)
- Phone: 0800 068 41 41
- Text: 07786 209697
- Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org
SOS Silence of Suicide
- Available: 4pm to midnight every day
- Phone: 0300 1020 505
- Email: support@sossilenceofsuicide.org
The BeYou Project (LGBT+ people in Kent and Medway)
- Website: www.thebeyouproject.co.uk
Mermaids UK (trans and gender diverse)
- Website: www.mermaidsuk.org.uk
Galop (LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline)
- Phone: 0800 999 5428
Oasis Domestic Abuse Support Service
- Phone: 0792 6842 183
Cruse Bereavement Care
- Website: www.cruse.org.uk
- Phone: 0808 808 1677
Amparo (Support service for those bereaved by Suicide)
- Email: amparo.service@listening-ear.co.uk
- Website: www.amparo.org.uk
- Twitter: @Amparo_LEM
ChatHealth (text service for 11-19yrs)
- Available: Monday to Friday from 9am
- Phone: 07520 618850
- Available: 4:30pm to 10:30pm
- Phone: 0300 304 7000
Resources specifically for Parents and Carers
Mind – Information for parents, carers, family members and guardians
NHS – Mental health for children, teenagers and young adults: Advice for parents
YoungMinds – I am a Parent
Place2Be – Supporting your child’s mental health