A community mentoring scheme that rebuilds the lives of those affected by anxiety and depression has been awarded a £6,000 grant by Canterbury City Council.
The East Kent Mind project had operated as a pilot in Thanet and the funding from the city council is allowing the initiative to be established in the Canterbury district. The charity aims to train between 30 to 40 mentors to deliver 1-2-1 mental wellbeing support through its mentoring initiative. More than 100 people will be helped through the initiative.
Mentors volunteer for one hour each week and support their mentee over the phone from the comfort of their own home.
Cllr Joe Howes, Cabinet Member for People at Canterbury City Council said: “I’m pleased that Canterbury City Council has been able to make an award to Mind East Kent of £6,234 to help them set up an excellent project of community mentoring. The mentoring scheme is really exciting because it is providing support for people from senior years at secondary school all the way up to retired folk.
“We all understand the pressures and the problems people are facing and I believe this scheme is going to be much needed and much supported. It’s great to see the mentoring project is aimed at the individual and it’s not a case of one-size-fits-all. We’ve got to encourage as many people as possible not only to use the service, but also to support the service whether it is giving up their own time or financially.”
Simon Dolby, from East Kent Mind, said: “We are so grateful to the city council for its support. Mental health is such an important issue locally and to have the chance to bring such a successful project to support people in Canterbury, Whitstable and Herne Bay is fantastic.”
To find out more or volunteer as a mentor visit www.eastkentmind.org.uk/mentoring