East Thanet MP Polly Billington (second left) joins Karen Brinkman (right) and the Mayors of Margate and Broadstairs to open the indepenedent traders fair at Westwood Cross

Traders show support for East Kent Mind

Independent traders from across Thanet joined forces to stage a special market day at Westwood Cross to show their support of East Kent Mind.

More than 30 traders booked stalls at the event, which was organised by Thanet Virtual High Street, and raised more than £1,000 for the mental health charity.

East Thanet MP Polly Billington joined the Mayor of Margate, Cllr Jack Packman, and Mayor of Broadstairs, Cllr Mike Garner, to officially open the event.

A key feature of the event was the Mall Talk Tent manned by East Kent Mind and a team of volunteers who chatted to shoppers about issues causing stress or anxiety – and to promote the range of free courses and activities delivered by East Kent Mind in the Thanet and Canterbury districts.

Simon Dolby, Development Lead at East Kent Mind, said: “I would like to thank Westwood Cross and TVHS for devising and staging this excellent event – and of course to the independent traders who supported it. The funds raised will help our charity to deliver frontline mental health services locally and the positive conversations we had with local people in the Mall Talk Tent were a great comfort to those in need.”

If you can stage a fundraiser to support East Kent Mind – whether it be a coffee morning for friends, a sponsored challenge or something grander – please get in touch with Simon or Karen so they can help advise and support you. Email simondolby@eastkentmind.org.uk or karenbrinkman@eastkentmind.org.uk

Please note: When taking part in a sponsored event participants should not select Mind (the national charity) and instead should select Mind in Bexley and East Kent as the beneficiary if they wish funds raised to go to the local area.

Angela at Elegant Events of Kent joins the Mayor and Mayoress of Broadstairs at the Thanet Independents Day event at Westwood Cross