Rob Yates, acting President of Isle of Thanet Sunrise Rotary Club, (right) and club members present a cheque to Simon Dolby from East Kent Mind
Rotarians show support for East Kent Mind
The Isle of Thanet Sunrise Rotary Club has presented East Kent Mind with a donation of £500 to support its work in Thanet.
Simon Dolby, the charity’s Development Lead, met Rotarians and gave a brief outline of some of the projects staff are delivering such as the veterans initiative, barbershop project and work with young adults.
Rob Yates, President-Elect for the club’s coming year, thanked Simon and detailed some of the fundraising activities the club runs, including The Big Knit which attracted 120 people from 15 organisations and raised £5k for good causes – and is something East Kent Mind is keen to support and promote in 2025.
Causes wanting to follow Rotary’s lead and stage a fundraiser or make a donation to East Kent Mind should email fundraising@eastkentmind.org.uk or visit: www.justgiving.com/mindinbexley

The Big Knit